Date Night Shows: Hawkwind
Hawkwind @ Buxton Opera House 23/05/2017 After the terrible experience we had in Manchester the previous evening, you would think that attending another show would be the last place we wanted to be. However, in what was either an act of defiance or just the desire to keep going, we found ourselves at a live […]

Manchester Terror Attack: An Unforgettably Terrible First Hand Experience
It started out as a fantastic evening, but ended in catastrophe So normally at this point, we review a recent concert or theatre show that we have been to. Unfortunately, the next show that we had planned to review was Ariana Grande at the Manchester Arena. Whilst the show itself was great, we are sure that […]

The Romantic Couples Guide to Cheshire
Another adjoining county to Staffordshire, Cheshire is a mostly rural area with some fascinating towns, villages, and attractions. You may be familiar with Cheshire Cheese, or the Cheshire Cat. Famous people from Cheshire include Wayne Rooney, Gary Barlow, Harry Styles, Lewis Carroll, and Daniel Craig. There is certainly a lot of potential for romance in […]

Dream Dates: The Best Places to Play Touch Football in the World
Touch Football is a form of three games in which tackling is replaced by a simple touch. The games are rugby, American football, and Australian Rules football. The touch element makes it far more inclusive, because many people are put off by the thought of being tackled to the ground. We played touch rugby in Nantwich, […]

Secret Dates: Touch Rugby
Touch Rugby is a sociable and inclusive team sport that you can play with your partner We headed to Nantwich for this secret date – touch football! There are three main variants of touch football. They are based on American football, Australian rules football, and rugby. England is more a rugby nation, so we went with touch […]

Amazing Days Out: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
The Ashmolean Museum is much more than just a cabinet of curiosities now The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford is the world’s first university museum, and dates back to 1683. One of the founding Fellows of the Royal Society, Elias Ashmole, donated his cabinet of curiosities to the University to begin the collection. Architecturally, the building […]

The Romantic Couples Guide to Nottingham
When you think of Nottingham, you most likely think of Robin Hood. Indeed, Nottingham has a wealth of attractions relating to this most famous of legends. We love Robin Hood, so have been to most of them. However, Nottingham is much more than just that. It is famous for lace, Raleigh bikes, tobacco, and its […]

Dream Dates: The Best Garage Sales in the World
We have had two great experiences at garage sales, despite the fact that we are in the UK. Obviously, America and Australia are where its at if you are looking for a world-class garage sale. Here are a few of the very best…. 127 YARD SALE – USA The world’s longest yard sale has over 2,200 […]

Secret Dates: Treasure Hunting at Garage Sales
Garage Sale Safari at Burton Joyce Garage sales are something of an American phenomenon. In the UK, they are barely heard of. Rather than open their garages to visitors, British people seem to prefer the car boot sale. If you are not familiar, car boot sales involve people driving to a field or car park […]

Amazing Days Out: Magdalen College, Oxford
Magdalen College is Oxford University’s top performing college Oxford University is one of the greatest academic institutions in the world. Many of its constituent colleges are open to visitors, and we are going to tell you about our visit to Magdalen College. This college has been the top performing of Oxford’s colleges, academically, over the […]

TripHobo – A Detailed Review 2017
TripHobo is described as a revolutionary new idea in trip planning. We decided to check it out to see how it can help you to plan a perfect trip. Its innovative platform supposedly allows you to settle an itinerary in any of over 14,000 cities in the world in around ten minutes! This includes attractions, […]

Dream Dates: The Best Driving Roads for a Car Picnic in the World
After our fantastic car picnic and thirteen hour drive around the beautiful Peak District in England, we looked at what the rest of the world has to offer. Here are our top picks for an amazing drive and car picnic around the world. Let’s hope you are all lucky enough to experience them all at […]