Dream Dates: The Best Garage Sales in the World
We have had two great experiences at garage sales, despite the fact that we are in the UK. Obviously, America and Australia are where its at if you are looking for a world-class garage sale. Here are a few of the very best…. 127 YARD SALE – USA The world’s longest yard sale has over 2,200 […]

Dream Dates: The Best Driving Roads for a Car Picnic in the World
After our fantastic car picnic and thirteen hour drive around the beautiful Peak District in England, we looked at what the rest of the world has to offer. Here are our top picks for an amazing drive and car picnic around the world. Let’s hope you are all lucky enough to experience them all at […]

Dream Dates: The Best Lakes in the World to Dance By
After our romantic evening dancing by Rudyard Lake in the UK’s Staffordshire Moorlands, we decided to expand our search to find the best lakes in the world to dance next to. Our research has led us to the conclusion that the following are our must-see lakes, which would be perfect to take the portable radio […]

Dream Dates: The Best Museums in the World
So, Gladstone Pottery Museum might be one of the best museums in our home city of Stoke-on-Trent, but what are the best museums in the world? We LOVE museums. As well as general huge museums, like the British Museum, we have visited museums to niches such as football, archaeology, science, industry, and religion. For our […]

Dream Dates: The World’s Best Craft Stores
After our recent visit to Fred Aldous in Manchester, we sat down to look at what the world has to offer when it comes to craft stores. If you read the post about our secret date, you will know that craft stores are amazing places to go with your partner. They inspire creativity, fun and […]

Dream Dates: The Best Mountains to Climb in the World
We recently climbed Snowdon, Wales’ highest mountain. Climbing a mountain with your partner is an amazing feeling. Having someone there to share those views with, will provide many unforgettable moments. So what are the best mountains to climb in the world? We narrowed it down to these options, and would love to climb them. We’ll be […]

Dream Dates: The Best Places to Play Volleyball in the World
As our most recent secret date involved playing volleyball, we started to think about the best places in the world in which it can be played. Now, volleyball is an indoor sport. It is played on a court that is much the same whether it is in China or Russia. Therefore, we hope you forgive […]

Dream Dates: The Best Horseback Riding Locations in the World
After our experience horseback riding, we spent some time looking at the best places in the world to try it. If you would like to try horseback riding, then you will struggle to find anywhere better than these locations around the world. Cappadocia, Turkey A dream location of ours anyway, to go horseback riding here […]

Dream Dates: The Best Date Ideas to do in Your Yard
After our recent secret date spring cleaning the garden, we started to think of other great date ideas to do in your yard. We say yard, as ours is more yard than garden, but these ideas can be mostly done in a garden too. Here are some of our suggestions. COOK OUT Get your chef’s hat […]

Dream Dates: The Best Places for Local Shops in the World
We hope you all enjoyed reading about our date going around all of the local shops in our home town, and are planning to check out the independent retailers in your own cities too. As has become the norm, we started to dream about the local shops we would find if we travelled around the […]

Dream Dates: The Best Tasting Menus in the World
Hope you enjoyed our blog about our recent visit to The Court Restaurant in Abergavenny. Whilst here, we had a seven-course tasting meal. As travel dreamers, we got to fantasising about the places that we could eat at, that offer such tasting menus, if money was no object. Here is our top ten list. SUBLIMOTION […]

Dream Dates: The Best Things to Teach Your Partner
We all pick up skills as we go through life. Most of us will have a different set of skills to our partner. I recommend highly that you teach your partner the skills you have learned. At the very least, they will have a new-found respect for what you are able to do,. They won’t […]